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April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Thursday, April 07th, 2016

This April during Alcohol Awareness Month, Internal Medicine Center encourages you to educate yourself and your loved ones about the dangers of drinking too much.

The Basics: Overview

If you choose to drink, have only a moderate (limited) amount. This means:

  • No more than 1 drink a day for women
  • No more than 2 drinks a day for men

One drink is a:

  • Bottle of beer (12 ounces)
  • Glass of wine (5 ounces)
  • Shot of liquor (1.5 ounces)

For most adults, moderate drinking doesn’t cause any serious health problems. And if you don’t drink at all, there’s no reason to start!

The Basics: Health Effects

How can I tell if I’m at risk for a drinking problem?
Drinking is a problem if it causes trouble with:

  • Your relationships
  • School or work
  • How you think and feel

If you have a drinking problem, it’s important to see a doctor right away. You can improve your health by drinking less or not drinking at all. Use this tool to see if your drinking habits put you at risk.

How will drinking less or quitting help me?
Drinking only in moderation or not drinking at all can help you:

  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Lower your risk of injury, heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer, and liver problems
  • Lose weight
  • Save money

The Basics: Don’t Drink If…

Who needs to avoid drinking completely?
Don’t drink at all if you:

It’s also very important to avoid drinking if you plan to drive a car or use a machine (like a lawn mower).

Take Action: Set Limits

Here are some strategies to help you cut back or stop drinking.

Keep track of your drinking.

  • Step 1: Set a drinking limit. For example, you may decide to have no more than 3 drinks per week.
  • Step 2: Write your drinking limit on a piece of paper.
  • Step 3: Write down every time you have a drink for 1 week. This drinking tracker card can help.

Take a day off from drinking.
Choose a day each week (for example, Tuesday) when you will not drink.

Don’t drink when you are upset.
If you have a bad day or are feeling angry, don’t reach for a drink. Try taking a walk, calling a friend, or seeing a movie. Find healthy ways to manage stress.

Avoid places where people drink a lot.
Stay away from bars and other places that may make you want to drink

Take Action: Make a Plan

Learn new skills to help you change your drinking habits.
Planning ahead can help you manage situations when you might be tempted to drink too much. Plan ahead of time how to say “no” if someone offers you a drink. Practice these strategies to handle an urge to drink.

Limit the amount of alcohol you keep at home.
This way you won’t be tempted to go over the drinking limit you set for yourself.

Make a list of reasons not to drink.
Make a list of reasons to drink less or quit. Keep this list in your wallet, bag, or on your fridge. Look at it when you have an urge to drink.

If you want to lose weight or save money, use these calculators to:

Take Action: Get Help

Ask for help if you need it.
Ask your friends and family to support you. Talk to a doctor or nurse if you are having a hard time cutting down on your drinking. Don’t give up!

What about cost?
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the health care reform law passed in 2010, health care plans must cover screening and counseling for alcohol misuse. Depending on your insurance, you may be able to get these services at no cost to you.

Check with your insurance provider to find out what’s included in your plan. For information about other services covered by the Affordable Care Act, visit

Are you worried about a loved one’s drinking?
Use these tips to talk with someone about cutting back or quitting drinking.


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