News & Events

Colorectal Cancer Screening: Conversation Starters

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Are you worried about a family member or friend who is age 50 to 75 and has put off getting tested for colorectal cancer? Here are some tips to help you start the conversation.Colorectal Cancer.

Start by saying, “I care about you.”

  • “I want you to live a long and healthy life.”
  • “I want you to get tested so you don’t have to worry about colorectal cancer.”

Explain the reasons for getting tested.

  • “Colorectal cancer is one of the deadliest and most common cancers. People over age 50 have the highest risk.”
  • “If the doctor finds a growth in your colon, it can be removed before it becomes dangerous.”

Offer support.

  • “What part of the test are you most worried about?”
  • “How can I make it easier for you to get tested?”
  • “I know the test might be uncomfortable, but it won’t last long.”

Here are some ways to support a friend or loved one:

  • Look online for descriptions of different colorectal cancer tests.
  • Help make the appointment for the test.
  • If you are age 50 to 75, set the example – get tested for colorectal cancer and share your experience.
  • Offer to drive your loved one to the appointment.
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