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National Immunization Awareness Month

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

We all need shots (also called vaccinations or immunizations) to help protect us from serious diseases. To help keep our community safe, Internal Medicine Center is promoting National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). NIAM was established to encourage people of all ages to make sure they are up to date on the vaccines recommended for them.

Shots can prevent serious diseases like the flu, measles, and pneumonia. It’s important to know, which shots you need and when to get them. Every year tens of Caregiver Checking The Hypertensionthousands of adults needlessly suffer, are hospitalized, and even die as a result of diseases that could be prevented by vaccines. While adults believe immunization is important, a recent national survey showed that most adults are not aware that they need vaccines throughout their lives to protect against diseases like shingles, pertussis, and hepatitis.

Adults need to get shots (vaccines) just like kids do. Make sure you are up to date on your shots.

  • Get a flu vaccine every year. The seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others from the flu.
  • Get the Tdap shot to protect against tetanus (“TET-nes”), diphtheria (“dif-THEER-ee-ah”), and whooping cough (pertussis). Everyone needs to get the Tdap shot once, and pregnant women need a dose during every pregnancy. Learn about the Tdap shot.
  • After you get a Tdap shot, get a Td shot every 10 years to keep you protected against tetanus and diphtheria. Learn about Td shots.
  • If you are age 60 or older, get shots for older adults. Older adults need shots to protect against diseases like pneumonia and shingles.

Ask your doctor or nurse if there are any other shots you need to stay healthy.

Why do I need to get these shots?

Shots (vaccines) help protect you against diseases that can be serious and sometimes deadly. Many of these diseases are common. Even if you got all your shots as a child, you still need shots as an adult. The protection from some shots can wear off over time. Also, as you get older, you may be at risk for other illnesses, like shingles.

Getting shots doesn’t just protect you – it also protects the people around you. Some people in your family or community may not be able to get certain vaccines because of their age or health condition.

Protect yourself and those around you by staying up to date on your shots.

Do I need any other shots to help me stay healthy?

You may need other shots if you:

  • Didn’t get all of your shots as a child
  • Have a health condition like HIV that makes it harder for your body to fight off infections
  • Have a health condition like diabetes or heart, lung, or liver disease
  • Are pregnant
  • Are a man who has sex with men
  • Smoke
  • Spend time with infants, young children, or older adults
  • Work in a school, hospital, prison, or health clinic
  • Travel outside the United States

Ask your doctor or nurse if you need any other shots.

Find Out What Shots You Need

Take this quiz to find out which shots you may need. Print out the results and take them with you to your next checkup. Make a plan with your doctor or nurse to get the shots you need. You may also be able to get shots at your local pharmacy.

Get a seasonal flu shot every year.

Remember, everyone age 6 months and older needs to get the seasonal flu vaccine every year.

What about cost?

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the health care reform law passed in 2010, most private insurance plans must cover recommended shots for adults. Depending on your insurance, you may be able to get your shots at no cost to you. Talk to your insurance company to learn more.

For more information about whether or not you need immunizations contact your doctor or nurse at Internal Medicine Center by calling 21-414-5900 or communicating through your patient portal.


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