Internal Medicine Physician, Alabama Medical Group
After just a little over a year of private practice in Mobile, Brandon is becoming a standout to his coworkers and clientele in the area. He completed his residency at LSU Health in Baton Rouge, rotating at the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System. It was at the health system that he made history by being the first resident ever to be selected to receive the Franciscan Service Award, which recognizes individuals who go above and beyond the ordinary for their patients and coworkers. That spirit has accompanied him to Mobile, much to the delight of professionals and patients alike — his nominator writes, “Dr. Bodie’s energy and resilience for life is contagious.”
Alma Mater Auburn University; UAB Heersink School of Medicine
Hometown Mobile
Favorite thing about your job Primary care clinic is such a privilege. I love walking alongside my patients, offering encouragement and recommendations of best practices for healthy living.
Hidden Talents I once learned to tap dance for a fundraising event.
Best advice you’ve ever received: In the Old Testament, the second half of Micah 6:8: “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”